Grammar Review III





Grammar Review III is designed for intermediate to advanced ESL students who have already studied English in their native countries, and who wish to review the basics of the English language.





Course Outcomes




Course Content





  • Increased confidence in how and when to use each grammar point in speaking and writing
  • Increased accuracy in use of grammar in speaking and writing



·        Future Perfect tense

·        Using Wish

·        Adverb clauses

·        Reducing adverb clauses

·        Connectives

·        Advanced vocabulary and sentence structure work



Who should take this course?





Grammar Review III serves the needs of permanent residents, refugees, U.S. citizens, professionals working or training in the United States, international students or international visitors for whom English is not their native language. It is designed for intermediate/advanced ESL students with previous English language study and who know but make mistakes when applying the rules governing English language usage.